迷你Linux 4MLinux 5.1稳定版发布

作者: empast 2013-02-04 09:46:33
4MLinux 是一个迷你的Linux发行版,包含一些系统维护和恢复工具,如 cfdisk 和 GNU parted 用来管理分区、testdisk 用来恢复分区、photorec 用来恢复文件以及 ntfs3g 用来支持对 NTFS 分区格式的数据读写。

4MLinux 5.1 STABLE

This release has the same features as 4MLinux 5.1 BETA with the additional possibility of a fully automatic upgrade to 4MLinux Allinone Edition. There are two versions available to download: 4MLinux-5.1.iso (with a GUI that requires 256MB of RAM) and 4MLinux-5.1-installer.iso (with a TUI that requires 128MB of RAM). Both versions can be nstalled to a hard disk (and later updated to 4MLinux Allinone Edition, if desired).

Automatic downloading and installing of some additional components (e.g. Opera 12.13, LibreOffice 3.6.5, and Partition Wizard 7.6) is also possible.

Download links:

