ÃüÁîÐаæ¹È¸è·­Ò룺Translate Shell

×÷Õß: Ronny 2017-12-13 11:59:06
µ¼¶Á ÎÒ¶Ô CLI Ó¦Ó÷dz£¸ÐÐËȤ£¬Òò´ËÈÈÖÔÓÚʹÓò¢·ÖÏí CLI Ó¦ÓᣠÎÒÖ®ËùÒÔ¸üϲ»¶ CLI ºÜ´óÔ­ÒòÊÇÒòΪÎÒÔÚ´ó¶àÊýµÄʱºò¶¼Ê¹ÓõÄÊÇ×Ö·û½çÃ棨black screen£©£¬ÒѾ­Ï°¹ßÁËʹÓà CLI Ó¦Óöø²»ÊÇ GUI Ó¦Óá£
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½ñÌìÎÒÃÇÒª½éÉܵÄÊÇ ¡°Google Translator¡± ¹¤¾ß¡£ ÓÉÓÚÎÒµÄĸÓïÊÇÌ©Ã׶ûÓÎÒÔÚÒ»ÌìÄÚÓÃÁ˺ܶà´Î²ÅÀí½âÁËËüµÄÒâÒå¡£


ʲôÊÇ Translate Shell
Translate Shell[1] (֮ǰ½Ð×ö Google Translate CLI) ÊÇÒ»¿î½èÖú¹È¸è·­Ò루ĬÈÏ£©¡¢±ØÓ¦·­Òë¡¢Yandex.Translate ÒÔ¼° Apertium À´·­ÒëµÄÃüÁîÐз­ÒëÆ÷¡£ËüÈÃÄã¿ÉÒÔÔÚÖն˷ÃÎÊÕâЩ·­ÒëÒýÇæ¡£ Translate Shell ÔÚ´ó¶àÊý Linux ·¢ÐаæÖж¼ÄÜʹÓá£

ÈçºÎ°²×° Translate Shell
ÓÐÈýÖÖ·½·¨°²×° Translate Shell¡£

·½·¨ 1 : ÏÂÔØ×Ô°üº¬µÄ¿ÉÖ´ÐÐÎļþ
ÏÂÔØ×Ô°üº¬µÄ¿ÉÖ´ÐÐÎļþ·Åµ½ /usr/bin Ŀ¼ÖС£

$ wget git.io/trans $ chmod +x ./trans $ sudo mv trans /usr/bin/

·½·¨ 2 : ÊÖ¹¤°²×°
¿Ë¡ Translate Shell µÄ GitHub ²Ö¿âÈ»ºóÊÖ¹¤±àÒë¡£

$ git clone https://github.com/soimort/translate-shell && cd translate-shell $ make $ sudo make install

·½·¨ 3 : ͨ¹ý°ü¹ÜÀíÆ÷
ÓÐЩ·¢ÐаæµÄ¹Ù·½²Ö¿âÖаüº¬ÁË Translate Shell£¬¿ÉÒÔͨ¹ý°ü¹ÜÀíÆ÷À´°²×°¡£

¶ÔÓÚ Debian/Ubuntu£¬ ʹÓà APT-GET ÃüÁî[2] »òÕß APT ÃüÁî[3]À´°²×°¡£

$ sudo apt-get install translate-shell

¶ÔÓÚ Fedora, ʹÓà DNF ÃüÁî[4] À´°²×°¡£

$ sudo dnf install translate-shell

¶ÔÓÚ»ùÓÚ Arch Linux µÄϵͳ, ʹÓà Yaourt ÃüÁî[5] »ò Packer Ã÷¿ì[6] À´´Ó AUR ²Ö¿âÖа²×°¡£

$ yaourt -S translate-shell or $ packer -S translate-shell

ÈçºÎʹÓà Translate Shell
°²×°ºÃºó£¬´ò¿ªÖն˱չØÊäÈëÏÂÃæÃüÁî¡£ ¹È¸è·­Òë»á×Ô¶¯Ì½²âÔ´Îı¾ÊÇÄÄÖÖÓïÑÔ£¬²¢ÇÒÔÚĬÈÏÇé¿öϽ«Ö®·­Òë³ÉÄãµÄ locale Ëù¶ÔÓ¦µÄÓïÑÔ¡£

$ trans [Words]

ÏÂÃæÎÒ½«Ì©Ã׶ûÓïÖеĵ¥´Ê ¡°நன்றி¡± (Nanri) ·­Òë³ÉÓ¢Óï¡£ Õâ¸öµ¥´ÊµÄÒâ˼ÊǸÐл±ðÈË¡£

$ trans நன்றி நன்றி (Naṉṟi) Thanks Definitions of நன்றி [ தமிழ் -> English ] noun gratitude நன்றி thanks நன்றி நன்றி Thanks


$ trans :ta thanks thanks /THaNGks/ நன்றி (Naṉṟi) Definitions of thanks [ English -> தமிழ் ] noun நன்றி gratitude, thanks thanks நன்றி


$ trans :ta+hi thanks thanks /THaNGks/ நன்றி (Naṉṟi) Definitions of thanks [ English -> தமிழ் ] noun நன்றி gratitude, thanks thanks நன்றி thanks /THaNGks/ धन्यवाद (dhanyavaad) Definitions of thanks [ English -> हिन्दी ] noun धन्यवाद thanks, thank, gratitude, thankfulness, felicitation thanks धन्यवाद, शुक्रिया


$ trans :ta "what is going on your life?" what is going on your life? உங்கள் வாழ்க்கையில் என்ன நடக்கிறது? (Uṅkaḷ v¨¡ḻkkaiyil eṉṉa naṭakkiṟatu?) Translations of what is going on your life? [ English -> தமிழ் ] what is going on your life? உங்கள் வாழ்க்கையில் என்ன நடக்கிறது?


$ trans :ta curios happy curios ஆர்வம் (¨¡rvam) Translations of curios [ Romană -> தமிழ் ] curios ஆர்வம், அறிவாளிகள், ஆர்வமுள்ள, அறிய, ஆர்வமாக happy /ˈhap¨¥/ சந்தோஷமாக (Cant¨­ṣam¨¡ka) Definitions of happy [ English -> தமிழ் ] மகிழ்ச்சியான happy, convivial, debonair, gay திருப்தி உடைய happy adjective இன்பமான happy happy சந்தோஷமாக, மகிழ்ச்சி, இனிய, சந்தோஷமா

¼ò½àģʽ£ºÄ¬ÈÏÇé¿öÏ£¬Translate Shell ¾¡¿ÉÄܶàµÄÏÔʾ·­ÒëÐÅÏ¢¡£Èç¹ûÄãÏ£ÍûÖ»ÏÔʾ¼òÒªÐÅÏ¢£¬Ö»ÐèÒª¼ÓÉÏ -bÑ¡Ïî¡£

$ trans -b :ta thanks நன்றி

×Öµäģʽ£º¼ÓÉÏ -d ¿ÉÒÔ°Ñ Translate Shell µ±³É×ÖµäÀ´Óá£

$ trans -d :en thanks thanks /THaNGks/ Synonyms noun - gratitude, appreciation, acknowledgment, recognition, credit exclamation - thank you, many thanks, thanks very much, thanks a lot, thank you kindly, much obliged, much appreciated, bless you, thanks a million Examples - In short, thanks for everything that makes this city great this Thanksgiving. - many thanks - There were no thanks in the letter from him, just complaints and accusations. - It is a joyful celebration in which Bolivians give thanks for their freedom as a nation. - festivals were held to give thanks for the harvest - The collection, as usual, received a great response and thanks is extended to all who subscribed. - It would be easy to dwell on the animals that Tasmania has lost, but I prefer to give thanks for what remains. - thanks for being so helpful - It came back on about half an hour earlier than predicted, so I suppose I can give thanks for that. - Many thanks for the reply but as much as I tried to follow your advice, it's been a bad week. - To them and to those who have supported the office I extend my grateful thanks . - We can give thanks and words of appreciation to others for their kind deeds done to us. - Adam, thanks for taking time out of your very busy schedule to be with us tonight. - a letter of thanks - Thank you very much for wanting to go on reading, and thanks for your understanding. - Gerry has received a letter of thanks from the charity for his part in helping to raise this much needed cash. - So thanks for your reply to that guy who seemed to have a chip on his shoulder about it. - Suzanne, thanks for being so supportive with your comments on my blog. - She has never once acknowledged my thanks , or existence for that matter. - My grateful thanks go to the funders who made it possible for me to travel. - festivals were held to give thanks for the harvest - All you secretaries who made it this far into the article¡­ thanks for your patience. - So, even though I don't think the photos are that good, thanks for the compliments! - And thanks for warning us that your secret service requires a motorcade of more than 35 cars. - Many thanks for your advice, which as you can see, I have passed on to our readers. - Tom Ryan was given a bottle of wine as a thanks for his active involvement in the twinning project. - Mr Hill insists he has received no recent complaints and has even been sent a letter of thanks from the forum. - Hundreds turned out to pay tribute to a beloved former headteacher at a memorial service to give thanks for her life. - Again, thanks for a well written and much deserved tribute to our good friend George. - I appreciate your doing so, and thanks also for the compliments about the photos! See also Thanks!, thank, many thanks, thanks to, thanks to you, special thanks, give thanks, thousand thanks, Many thanks!, render thanks, heartfelt thanks, thanks to this

ʹÓÃÏÂÃæ¸ñʽ¿ÉÒÔʹÓà Translate Shell À´·­ÒëÎļþ¡£

$ trans :ta file:///home/magi/gtrans.txt உங்கள் வாழ்க்கையில் என்ன நடக்கிறது?

ÏÂÃæÃüÁî¿ÉÒÔÈà Translate Shell ½øÈë½»»¥Ä£Ê½¡£ ÔÚ½øÈë½»»¥Ä£Ê½Ö®Ç°ÄãÐèÒªÃ÷È·Ö¸¶¨Ô´ÓïÑÔºÍÄ¿±êÓïÑÔ¡£±¾ÀýÖУ¬ÎÒ½«Ó¢Îĵ¥´Ê·­Òë³ÉÌ©Ã׶ûÓï¡£

$ trans -shell en:ta thanks Translate Shell (:q to quit) thanks /THaNGks/ நன்றி (Naṉṟi) Definitions of thanks [ English -> தமிழ் ] noun நன்றி gratitude, thanks thanks நன்றி


$ trans -R


$ trans -T ©°©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©Ð©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©Ð©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©´ ©¦ Afrikaans - af ©¦ Hindi - hi ©¦ Punjabi - pa ©¦ ©¦ Albanian - sq ©¦ Hmong - hmn ©¦ Quer¨¦taro Otomi- otq ©¦ ©¦ Amharic - am ©¦ Hmong Daw - mww ©¦ Romanian - ro ©¦ ©¦ Arabic - ar ©¦ Hungarian - hu ©¦ Russian - ru ©¦ ©¦ Armenian - hy ©¦ Icelandic - is ©¦ Samoan - sm ©¦ ©¦ Azerbaijani - az ©¦ Igbo - ig ©¦ Scots Gaelic - gd ©¦ ©¦ Basque - eu ©¦ Indonesian - id ©¦ Serbian (Cyr...-sr-Cyrl ©¦ Belarusian - be ©¦ Irish - ga ©¦ Serbian (Latin)-sr-Latn ©¦ Bengali - bn ©¦ Italian - it ©¦ Sesotho - st ©¦ ©¦ Bosnian - bs ©¦ Japanese - ja ©¦ Shona - sn ©¦ ©¦ Bulgarian - bg ©¦ Javanese - jv ©¦ Sindhi - sd ©¦ ©¦ Cantonese - yue ©¦ Kannada - kn ©¦ Sinhala - si ©¦ ©¦ Catalan - ca ©¦ Kazakh - kk ©¦ Slovak - sk ©¦ ©¦ Cebuano - ceb ©¦ Khmer - km ©¦ Slovenian - sl ©¦ ©¦ Chichewa - ny ©¦ Klingon - tlh ©¦ Somali - so ©¦ ©¦ Chinese Simp...- zh-CN©¦ Klingon (pIqaD)tlh-Qaak Spanish - es ©¦ ©¦ Chinese Trad...- zh-TW©¦ Korean - ko ©¦ Sundanese - su ©¦ ©¦ Corsican - co ©¦ Kurdish - ku ©¦ Swahili - sw ©¦ ©¦ Croatian - hr ©¦ Kyrgyz - ky ©¦ Swedish - sv ©¦ ©¦ Czech - cs ©¦ Lao - lo ©¦ Tahitian - ty ©¦ ©¦ Danish - da ©¦ Latin - la ©¦ Tajik - tg ©¦ ©¦ Dutch - nl ©¦ Latvian - lv ©¦ Tamil - ta ©¦ ©¦ English - en ©¦ Lithuanian - lt ©¦ Tatar - tt ©¦ ©¦ Esperanto - eo ©¦ Luxembourgish - lb ©¦ Telugu - te ©¦ ©¦ Estonian - et ©¦ Macedonian - mk ©¦ Thai - th ©¦ ©¦ Fijian - fj ©¦ Malagasy - mg ©¦ Tongan - to ©¦ ©¦ Filipino - tl ©¦ Malay - ms ©¦ Turkish - tr ©¦ ©¦ Finnish - fi ©¦ Malayalam - ml ©¦ Udmurt - udm ©¦ ©¦ French - fr ©¦ Maltese - mt ©¦ Ukrainian - uk ©¦ ©¦ Frisian - fy ©¦ Maori - mi ©¦ Urdu - ur ©¦ ©¦ Galician - gl ©¦ Marathi - mr ©¦ Uzbek - uz ©¦ ©¦ Georgian - ka ©¦ Mongolian - mn ©¦ Vietnamese - vi ©¦ ©¦ German - de ©¦ Myanmar - my ©¦ Welsh - cy ©¦ ©¦ Greek - el ©¦ Nepali - ne ©¦ Xhosa - xh ©¦ ©¦ Gujarati - gu ©¦ Norwegian - no ©¦ Yiddish - yi ©¦ ©¦ Haitian Creole - ht ©¦ Pashto - ps ©¦ Yoruba - yo ©¦ ©¦ Hausa - ha ©¦ Persian - fa ©¦ Yucatec Maya - yua ©¦ ©¦ Hawaiian - haw ©¦ Polish - pl ©¦ Zulu - zu ©¦ ©¦ Hebrew - he ©¦ Portuguese - pt ©¦ ©¦ ©¸©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©Ø©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©Ø©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¤©¼

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$ man trans

