Redisson 3.6.3和2.11.3发布,Redis客户端

作者: baihuo 2018-03-15 08:52:30
Redisson 3.6.3 和 2.11.3 发布了。两个版本的更新内容一样,具体如下:

Feature - DNS monitoring for Sentinel nodes

Fixed - Old/stale nodes not removed from NodesGroup

Fixed - CertificateException while connecting over SSL to Azure or AWS Elasticache config endpoint

Fixed - publish subscribe connections couldn't be resubscribed during failover

Fixed - RedissonRedLock.tryLock doesn't work for some values of wait time parameter

Fixed - NPE in JCache.getAndRemoveValue

Fixed - memory leak in publish subscribe

Fixed - codec classLoader wasn't used in ExecutorService and RemoteService objects

Fixed - warning for disconnected slaves in sentinel mode



