Configure avant-window-manager under KDE

作者: itbeutchm 2007-10-26 16:28:50
Install a binary or compile from source.
Since there are no graphical presentation of gconf available in KDE, we use the command line.
So in konsole we type:

gconftool -R /apps | grep avant

...this outputs...


This time we want /apps/avant-window-navigator/bar

So in konsole we type:

gconftool --recursive-list /apps/avant-window-navigator/bar

...this outputs something like...

render_pattern = false
hilight_color = FFFFFF11
show_separator = true
sep_color = FFFFFF00
bar_height = 48
pattern_alpha = 1
icon_offset = 0
glass_step_1 = 454545C8
bar_angle = 0
pattern_uri = ~
glass_step_2 = 010101BE
rounded_corners = false
corner_radius = 10
glass_histep_1 = FFFFFF0B
glass_histep_2 = FFFFFF0A
border_color = 000000CC

Now change the bar_angle value from 0 to 45. (this lays down the bar), type in konsole:

gconftool-2 \
--set "/apps/avant-window-navigator/bar/bar_angle" \
--type int "45"

Next go down to icon_offset from 0 to 18. this adds a reflection underneath, type in konsole:

gconftool-2 \
--set "/apps/avant-window-navigator/bar/icon_offset" \
--type int "18"

Thats it, now restart AWN and you have a new sexy looking dock!

- Looks and feels good.
- Easy to add new icon entrys. Just drag and drop.

- KDE icons looks unclear.
- Requires gnome libraries

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