ubuntu8 installation success

作者: xtvnet 2008-04-22 00:18:08
I have successfully installed ubuntu8 at my computer! It is so simple to do it and took me less then one hour!

I bought a new SATA harddisk which is 250GB this afternoon , and some empty cd. i down the NERO and burn the ubuntu ISO image to the cd. then all is ready for me. i get the old harddisk down from the computer and put the empty new 250GB harddisk on the computer, then turn on the computer to install the ubuntu opertion system.

It is so easy then i have expected, just do it step by step,and there are just 7 steps. no need to format the harddisk just use default. i have install the fedora4 and redhat 9 and it make a difficult impresion for me, but now nothing difficult is remain in ubuntu!

but there are a little more for me to do! i must use english for writting here because chinese is not supported, i can not listened to mp3, i can not see the video on xunlei.com......

It is a funny thing for me!
