安装matlab 求救

作者: zxlchina890824 2008-10-05 20:07:50
小弟 费了九牛二虎之力装上了matlab,但输入:matlalb却出现如下错误,
Warning: Cannot locate Java Runtime Environment (JRE) . . .

1. Either a correct JRE was not available for redistribution when
this release was shipped, in which case you should refer to the
Release Notes for additional information about how to get it.

2. Or you have tried to use the MATLAB_JAVA environment variable
to specify an alternate JRE, but MATLAB cannot find it. Please
run 'matlab -n' to determine what value you are using for
MATLAB_JAVA and fix accordingly.

matlab: No MATLAB bin directory for this machine architecture.

ARCH = glnxa64
我 的机子是64位的,安装matlab是强制安装的,jvm也装了,不知道是不是要手动设置MATLAB_JAVA变量,还是有其他解决方法。
